How to Improve your Tap Water Quality

How to Improve your Tap Water Quality


Maintaining the quality of water in your home is essential for health and wellbeing. Water quality can be influenced by numerous factors from the treatment plant to your tap. Implementing certain practices ensures the water remains safe and clean.

Flushing Pipes

Running cold water taps for two minutes before drinking or cooking helps clear any contaminants. If water sits in pipes for long periods, it may degrade in quality. Activities like laundry, showering, flushing the toilet, and running the dishwasher can also help flush out your pipes.

Using Cold Water

Avoid using hot tap water for drinking and cooking as it may dissolve contaminants like metals and bacteria from the water heater. Always opt for cold water, especially if your home has any lead sources, as hot water can increase lead leaching into the water supply.

Water Filters

Water filter cartridges should be replaced regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and metals. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to maintain water filtration systems effectively.

Updating Household Plumbing

Consider replacing old plumbing and potential lead sources. Galvanized plumbing can be swapped with copper pipes, and installing "lead-free" fixtures with 0.25 percent lead or less can help. Post-installation, flush cold water taps for five minutes daily over three days.

Cleaning Faucet Aerators

Faucet aerators require routine cleaning as sediment and metals can accumulate in the screen. Replace aerators as needed to maintain water quality.

Water Heater Maintenance

Annually draining your water heater can remove sediment, bacteria, and metals that collect in the tank. This practice can help maintain both water quality and pressure within your home.

Regularly testing water quality and being proactive with plumbing maintenance can prevent contamination and health risks from harmful substances like chlorine, iron, and sediment. It's also advisable to consider advanced filtration systems such as reverse osmosis or whole house water filtration for added protection against viruses, parasites, and other pathogens.

Taking these steps will ensure that your home's water supply remains safe for consumption and use, protecting your health and improving the overall taste and safety of your drinking water.

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